28 January 2012

Surat Kaleng untuk @t0nyzul

"A Letter to The Moon Dweller"

To @t0nyzul, The Moon Dweller
on The Moon (?)

Hey Moon Dweller.
How's there?  How's the moon?  Why does the moon often come too late for certain human kinds?  Are you now dwelling on the yellow moon made of cheese?  Or on the blue moon which only comes once at a time?  On which side of the moon are you now?

Mr. Moon Dweller, I've always wanted to know but I'm too reluctant to find the answer of this question: is it true that the moon always faces its same side to the Earth?  How come it never shows its other side?  And please tell me how it feels like to see the Earth from the Moon.  I bet it's exciting to dwell in a place where everyone else can only wish they were there too.  I bet the Earth looks nicer from up there; no waste dump obviously seen, no bad and stupid ignorant society who fails to notice that the place they live in is dying.  You're lucky.  How I wish I had a chance to dwell on the moon too.

Mr. Moon Dweller, you fascinate me with your interest in the universe and all of its element.  Your interest in nature and astronomy along with the fact of how you also enjoy certain simple pleasures in life and the study of human kind have raised my awareness that we might have things in common.  The Newly-found planets and stars, the Imperial Woodpecker and the latest hot still image of certain movie stars are minor examples among those things that you enjoy sharing.  You possess knowledge that differentiate to those of my own, and when you're faced with the chance to revitalize your nihilistic views and conceptual ideas, that’s always a source for rejuvenation.  I thoroughly enjoy being in the company and having a friend who not only questions my views and cognition, but gives me the notion to review my own validity in self-improvement through brainstorming also.  The manifests that your mind ensues are refined and I’m humbled by the fact that I’m not intimidated by your sheer brilliance, in fact I actually find a sense of afflatus in it.  You cover topics that most are completely oblivious to me.  Your vast, insightful perceptions ranging from personal theories, conceptual ideas, and creativity are compelling as well.  While some ponder about how one can be so good looking,  I wonder how someone can obtain such knowledge in such a condensed period of time of your youth.  And that is fucking attractive.

Mr. Moon Dweller, we can never put a price on knowledge hence it would be disrespectful because then I would be trying to bargain with something that is undoubtedly of great value.  The only thing that I can offer you are the thoughts of my own, and quite possibly a conversation.  So Mr. Moon, I'm writing this letter to you, hoping that I'm actually talking to you, The Moon Dweller.  Because talking to the moon is not my part, let Bruno Mars handle that.  He'll be fuckin' jealous if he knows this: that I'm actually talking to the moon dweller, not a mere talking to the moon.

And the last before I end this letter, can you please tell how the other side of the moon is like?

January 27, 2012.
― a Sailor Moon's fan.

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